My Brest Friend Fireworks Nursing Cover
Broken before Fifty
My employer has decided to terminate my job. I am a woman, forty-nine years old, and work as a floor nurse. My job is hard, but I am good at it, I thought. Not according to them, they have written me up every two weeks since the death of my mother. I took FMLA time after her death, I needed it. The last few months of her life was so hard to sit back and watch. Anyway on with the story, they wrote me up because the wife of a patient saw my belly button ring. I know I said I was almost fifty, but I had it pierced ten years ago and I never take it out. I had gained about twenty pounds after my mom's death, and my scrub top was tight and may have rolled up when I was moving around the IV lines, and poles. I know what she saw was not a pretty site, but I did not do anything on purpose to expose myself. The real clincher of this story is that the patient works at the hospital in the cafeteria and delivers trays to the floor! Well that was actually my second write up, the first one was for absentism and missed Education. I was wrote up and they took my weekend contract, three dollars more on the hour! The only time I was absent was when I was off on FMLA. The third write up was because a Patient's family member said, that I said! "I don't need to wash my hands, because I washed them in another patients room". Wow, again I did say I am almost fifty and have worked as a nurse for almost thirty years. So to make a long story short, my next write up was because I overslept and was late for an EKG class and the instructor would not let me in the class. I really look like a total screw up in this story, and maybe I am, and deserve the punishment. I have not been officially terminated yet, because I screamed FMLA retaliation and discrimination. I don't know were to go from here, I feel humiliated, hurt, and wounded. I have lost so much this year. I am broken and I don't know how to fix it.
Tell me what you think or your views on my situation.
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